Wednesday, June 17, 2015
Aerojet to test AR1 at SSC
Aerojet Rocketdyne and NASA's Stennis Space Center, Miss., signed an agreement for test services and test stand support of the AR1 multi-element pre-burner and main injector. Currently in development, the AR1 engine is a replacement for the Russian-made RD-180 engines that power the Atlas V launch vehicle. This agreement builds on the current assembly and testing of the company's RS-68 and RS-25 engines at NASA Stennis. Aerojet will pay NASA Stennis to modify the E-1 complex,
cell 1 test stand over a period of six months. The test stand will be
configured to conduct AR1 staged combustion testing. (Source: Aerojet Rocketdyne, 06/16/15)