Monday, May 28, 2012

Lockheed delivers SBIRS core

SBIRS core. Lockheed photo
STENNIS SPACE CENTER, Miss. -- Lockheed Martin received the core structure for the U.S. Air Force's fourth Space Based Infrared System geosynchronous satellite. SBIRS delivers improved missile warning capabilities, while simultaneously providing intelligence and battlespace awareness missions.  The structure was delivered to Lockheed Martin's Mississippi Space and Technology Center, where engineers and technicians will integrate the spacecraft's propulsion subsystem, essential for maneuvering the satellite during transfer orbit to its final location and conducting on-orbit repositioning maneuvers throughout its mission life. The integrated core propulsion module will then be shipped to Sunnyvale, Calif., for final assembly, integration and test. SBIRS GEO-4 is on schedule to be available for launch in 2015. (Source: Lockheed Martin, 05/24/12)