EGLIN AIR FORCE BASE, Fla. - The Air Force, which in November delayed the record of decision establishing a Joint Strike Fighter school at Eglin because of noise concerns, finally sealed the deal. The Air Force on Friday said steps will be taken to mitigate noise, in part through limiting use of one runway. The F-35 is twice as loud as an F-15, prompting residents of nearby Valparaiso to express concern. The Air Force used the delay to explore options to mitigate noise. The record of decision means construction can now get under way in preparation for 59 F-35s that will arrive beginning March 2010. Nine construction projects worth about $170 million are in the bidding process and construction is expected to begin before October. All branches of the military will use the Eglin training center. A decision on additional planes for the base will be made in 2010. (Sources: Tcp, 02/06/09; Northwest Florida Daily News, Pensacola News Journal, Eglin Air Force Base)