KILN, Miss. - There will be a ribbon cutting for the 24,000 square foot RESTORE Hangar Jan. 26 at 2 p.m. at Stennis International Airport, 7250 Stennis Airport Rd. Scheduled to attend are Rep. Steven Palazzo, Gov. Tate Reeves, Hancock County Port & Harbor Commission (HCPHC) President Derek Necaise and HCPHC CEO Bill Cotter, along with Stennis International Airport Director Chanse Watson and other officials and business leaders. The hangar is adjacent to the terminal. The $5.24 million project, funded in part by a $1.85 million RESTORE grant, was awarded in November 2019 to Drace Construction Corp., of Long Beach, Miss. (Source: HCPHC, 01/21/22) The RESTORE act resulted in the wake of the Deepwater Horizon oil spill of 2010.