Thursday, April 23, 2020
New Innovation Station established
The University of Florida Herbert Wertheim College of Engineering announced establishment of its second Innovation Station, UFIS at the REEF. The new engineering extension program in Northwest Florida near Eglin Air Force Base will leverage the infrastructure and resources afforded by the UF Research and Engineering Education Facility (REEF) while providing further expansion of community outreach and workforce development to Egline and surrounding community. Established in 2016, UF Innovation Stations (UFIS) are regionally based locations dedicated to driving economic and workforce development. They are designed to meet the university’s goal of serving its land grant mission by providing measurable impact to Florida’s tech economy through access to UF talent, technology, infrastructure, and students. REEF, which opened its campus in Shalimar, Fla., in October 1995, will continue to provide support for the graduate education needs of the Eglin community in concert with UFIS. REEF will also continue to respond to Air Force research needs and opportunities through collaboration with the Air Force Research Laboratory. (Source: Economic Development Council of Okaloosa County, 04/23/20)