Thursday, June 6, 2019
NASA picks companies for planning
NASA has selected four companies to provide real property master planning (RPMP) for the agency, as needed for all 10 NASA centers. The companies are: HB&A – The Schreifer Group Joint Venture of Colorado Springs, Colo.; The Urban Collaborative of Eugene, Oregon; Jacobs Engineering Group Inc. of Atlanta; and Michael Baker International Inc. of Moon Township, Pa. The maximum potential value of this contract will not exceed $24 million for work that starts June 15, 2019, and extends for five years, with three one-year options. Work under the contract will be in the form of any of the following RPMP products: center vision plan, area development plans, sustainability component plans, center design guide, center development plan, master plan digest, master plan website, area development execution plans, center special study or agency special study. (Source: NASA, 06/06/19)