Friday, March 22, 2019
Eglin requests B-1B pod testing
It had been nearly 20 years since a test involving the B-1B Lancer aircraft was conducted by Arnold Engineering Development Complex (AEDC) at Arnold Air Force Base, Tenn. The absence ended earlier this year as a 10 percent model of the bomber, known as “The Bone,” began a series of store separation tests in the 16-foot transonic wind tunnel at Arnold. The tests were requested by AEDC testing partner, the Air Force SEEK EAGLE Office (AFSEO) of Eglin Air Force Base, Fla. A new targeting pod design has been introduced for the aircraft, and officials in the SEEK EAGLE Office will examine the effects of the new pod on the B-1B Lancer. Tests will be conducted on five store models at Arnold to determine whether the full-size munitions will cleanly release from the bomber in flight. (Source: AeroTechNews, 03/20/19)