Thursday, July 14, 2016
SSC restricted airspace expanded
STENNIS SPACE CENTER, Miss. -- The Federal Aviation Administration expanded the restricted air space over NASA's Stennis Space Center in South Mississippi. The expansion supports ongoing rocket engine testing at SSC and allows tenants to test unmanned aerial vehicles for research and development. The air space also is used for training by the Department of Defense and commercial companies. The restricted air space was initially defined over SSC in the 1960s to test Apollo Saturn V rockets. The expansion, which went into effect on May 26, covers five areas of about 100 square miles between Stennis International Airport in Kiln and the Picayune, Miss., airport. Of the five areas under the expansion, three are for use by the Department of Defense, whose training includes firing lasers from the air to the ground. The other two areas are designated for NASA's missions. (Sources: Mississippi Business Journal, Sun Herald, 07/14/16) Previous