Thursday, June 3, 2010
Name changes coming
Thirty-five units at Eglin Air Force Base, Fla., will be getting name changes. Air Force Materiel Command officials notified commanders last month that headquarters approved converting the command structure from wings, groups and squadrons to directorates, divisions and branches. The target date is June 30. At Eglin, the 308th Armament Systems Wing will be impacted the most with all of its units undergoing a name change. The Air Force decided to standardize the size of wings, groups and squadrons across the Air Force. Wings now must contain 1,000 or more members, groups 400 and squadrons 35. As a result, many wings, groups, and squadrons at AFMC Centers will be inactivated, and replaced by new directorates, divisions and branches, which do not have mandatory minimum manning thresholds. (Source: Materiel Command, 06/02/10)